Technological innovations such as AI, dynamic markets and demographic shifts are driving change faster than ever before. The ability to transform is now the key to keeping pace. Real change happens when people are consciously and purposefully empowered to actively shape change. We have a clear approach: three phases that enable organisations to build transformation capability step by step.
In this phase, we meet organisations that are in the early stages of transformation and want to lay the foundations for change. The aim is to create awareness of the change and sensitise employees to the upcoming challenges and opportunities. A particular focus today is on raising awareness of the opportunities and challenges that technologies such as AI offer in the transformation.
After raising awareness for transformation, the focus is on developing and integrating new competencies. Collective Intelligence Design, for example, systematically pools external and internal knowledge and applies it directly to real transformation projects. This approach enables employees to work together to develop innovative and practical solutions and actively shape the change.
Organisations at this level have laid the foundations and built the capabilities - now it is a matter of embedding transformation as part of their DNA. The focus is on the continuous development and adaptability of people. Tools such as Collective Intelligence Design and AI-enabled solutions help to embed this capability deep within the organisation and to act flexibly and resiliently.
Let's find out together how we can prepare your organisation for the next era.
With the help of their unique collective approach - a collaboration between selected experts from ... and dos Santos and our team - develop demonstrably effective strategies and ideas as well as concrete packages of measures to anchor and integrate them into everyday working life.
One of our most valuable assets at ... and dos Santos is our curated collective of outstanding international experts at the forefront of business, science, technology, culture and design. We work together as equals, complementing our clients' expertise in our respective fields. We have focused ... and dos Santos on maximum innovation and also help other companies to create an innovative working culture for themselves. Our creatives include ...
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