An integrative process

Successful transformation starts with the corporate DNA.

The extended workbench

We help you implement successfully innovative
and transformational projects
by focusing on the people in your company.

proven successful

Transformation is secured by three measures

There is no one solution that you can follow or copy from others. You need a customised system that can be adapted to the needs, challenges and goals of your company. Successful transformation is backed up by three measures with us:

Rapidly integrating new, necessary knowledge into your company's DNA to address complex challenges.

Taking a holistic view and identifying the critical factors of your business today and in the future, and engaging stakeholders.

Inspiring and empowering your employees to shape change together and ensure immediate implementation of strategies.

We call such a system Customised Transformation. We enable you to learn our methods and implement successful transformation systems in your company. Whether you are looking for a strong boost for your team, want to develop disruptive business models or sharpen the vision and strategy for your company. We support you in the implementation of your plan, bold or radical, ... and dos Santos offers you custom-fit solutions along the individual challenges, changes and goals of your company.

Workbench Ignition, sparking business transformation for your company.Workbench Lab, building powerful and resilient business transformation for your company.Workbench Booster, driving business transformation from within your company.




Focus is on answering precise questions from your team using the brilliant expertise of our collective to accurately identify your challenges, develop a vision, and ignite inspiration and motivation for the necessary change in your organisation.
In our highly efficient, six-week lab, we work with your team and qualified experts to develop new strategies, innovative solutions and detailed concepts in 7 steps for the customised implementation and transformation process in your company.
Providing recurring momentum and agile, excellent support with thought leader expertise, transforming and energizing the team, building collaborations, and accelerating the implementation (including leadership development).
Workbench Ignition, sparking business transformation for your company.


Fokus ist die Beantwortung präziser Fragestellungen ihres Teams mit Hilfe des brillanten Fachwissens unseres Kollektivs, um Herausforderungen klarer zu erkennen, eine Vision zu entwickeln sowie Inspiration und Motivation für den notwendigen Wandel im Unternehmen zu entfachen.
Workbench Lab, building powerful and resilient business transformation for your company.


Unser hocheffizientes, sechswöchiges Lab bestehend aus ihrem Team und ausgewählten Experten aus unserem Kollektiv zur Entwicklung von neuen Strategien, innovativen Lösungen und der Detailplanung für den individuellen Umsetzungs- und Transformations-Prozess in ihrem Unternehmen.
Workbench Booster, driving business transformation from within your company.


Wir stellen ihnen ein passendes, exzellentes Board-Team aus unserem Kollektiv zur Verfügung, um ihre Mitarbeiter und deren Expertise zu stärken und die erfolgreiche Umsetzung der Konzepte und der Detailplanung zu gewährleisten (inklusive Training ihrer Mitarbeiter).

Characteristics of our Products, Processes and Solutions
