Social Marketing and Global Trends

Prof. Dr. Mark O. Opresnik

Social Marketing and Global Trends

Prof. Dr. Mark O. Opresnik

… is a Professor of Marketing and Management and Member of the Board at SGMI (St. Gallen). He is also a Prof of Digital Marketing at the TH Lübeck and a visiting prof to Regent’s University London or the East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) in Shanghai. He gained 10 years of experience in senior positions e.g. for Shell Co. Ltd. Along with Phil Kotler, he is co-author of the "Marketing Management", the "Bible of Marketing“ and the Global Edition of “Marketing: An Introduction”. He is CEO of the Kotler Business Programme and Schools and as such responsible for their global development. More than 1 million people have already experienced Dr. Opresnik as a speaker and lecturer at home and abroad and have benefited from his impulses both professionally and personally.

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